Herman Guldag

Since 1974

In 1974, Herman Guldag arrived in California. He began as an apprentice to his uncle, studying materials, gemstones and design. Under his uncle’s guidance, in a special order retail jewelry shop, he learnt about developing enduring luxury pieces, and business management.

In 1984, Aspery & Guldag was born. Herman Guldag represented the third generation of jewelers in his family, from his Grandfather to himself. Discontent with the status quo, he pushed the envelope. By researching the demands and mood of the market, Herman merged contemporary fashion, with timeless aesthetic beauty.

Today, Herman Guldag remains true to his vision.

Appreciated across North America, South America and abroad, Aspery & Guldag doesn’t follow trends – it creates them. Developing sleek, timeless, and artful pieces have become iconic of the Aspery & Guldag name.

Researching, re-creating and re-envisioning classic designs – Aspery & Guldag embraces and rivals only cutting edge fashion. Juxtaposing non-traditional materials against high quality gemstones and precious metals, Aspery & Guldag designs embrace quality, accommodate new trends, and display exceptional taste and elegance.

Herman Guldag never stopped taking risks; Aspery & Guldag embodies that ethos.